A parliamentary lobby group to present the issue of the disenfranchisement of British Women who married Non-British Men and had Children born outside the UK or Commonwealth before 1983 in the attempt to gain parity recognition of our Nationality birth rights.

Prior to 1983, Children born outside of the United Kingdom or Commonwealth, who had a mother who was a citizen/subject of the United Kingdom but married to a non-British Man, had no claim to British Nationality. 

Nationality to pre-1983 Children was passed only by having a UK-born Father - this is obvious sex discrimination by means of treating British Women who married non-British men as second class citizens/property/chattel of their husbands and/or fathers in Nationality Issues in Legislation. 

During the years 1979 to 1983, a government policy recognised this discrimination issue and allowed people in these circumstances to become registered as UK citizens, but only if they were born between 07th February 1961 and 31st December 1983 and registered whilst still under the age of 18, unfortunately no one at the Home Office, Consulates, or Embassies were told of this policy and virtually no-one was ever registered during this window of opportunity. 

The law was changed in 1981 and took effect in 01 January 1983. 
The new law no longer discriminated against British Mothers, however, the new law applies only to people born from 01 January 1983 onwards.

Many people who may have qualified under the 1979 policy never knew about the policy and thereby missed the opportunity.
Almost everyone, including myself, who contacted the British Consulate or Embassy in their respective countries and/or at the Home Office in the UK were simply told year after year that there was nothing that could be done and treated us as nothing but tourist at best, deportations at worst - even though this policy existed. My name was on my mother's Passport from when I was 6 month's old added by the Immigration officer, but in 1973, my name was struck off and I had to get a passport from my country of origin. So my mother fought all my childhood and then when I turned 18 and took the reigns as an adult, I have been attempting 'parity' with the children of British men for 25 years now, I truly feel that progress has been made. 25, well even just 10 years ago I was Nothing but a tourist and today I am British. So even if it takes me another 25 years, one day there will be full 'Parity' between the children of British Father's and the Children of British Mother's.

This opportunity ended in 1983 when the new law came into force.

As of 13 January 2010, all children of British Mother's are now eligible to apply to register to be British Citizen's with Home Office form UKM -
I say apply because in the 2009 Act, there are various stipulations that some will find they will still be 'excluded' and separated from their British families.

Additionally, the Home Secretary has just recently stated that the Registration fee will be removed for UKM applicants - at the soonest possible opportunity for the Home Office to implement - this appears to possibly be November 2010! Watch this space!

In October 2000, The European Convention on Human Rights became part of UK Domestic Law. The ECHR makes sex discrimination Illegal in the UK.

In 2002 a new Immigration and Asylum Bill was hurried through Parliament. 
The Bill passed and became an Act in 2002 and in force in April 2003 for Children born between 1961 and the end of 1982.

In 2008, an entirely New Nationality Act was created and the 1961 watershed date was removed, but other stipulations were applied in previous legislation - so there is a path to Citizenship for most children of British Born Mother's but due to a few stipulations, we do not have 100% 'parity' with the children of British Father's.

The objective of the members of CAMPAIGNS is to continue lobbying for all Children of the Disenfranchised Daughters of the British Empire to be given the opportunity to obtain 100% parity with the children of British Father's, thus ending second class status for those who continue to suffer because of sex discrimination by the current legislation.

Parity with Children of British Men will not be achieved until the following items are dealt with:

1. Payment of high fees - these fee's have been promised to be removed, but the official announcement is yet to be published.
2. Conditions for good character tests
3. Requirement for civic ceremonies
4. Requirement for oath to our Queen
5. The process for Children of British Mother's is not exactly the same as the process for Children of British Father's - Children of British Father's are automatically British by birthright from the moment of birth (if the parents are married).
6. The Netherlands has the same sex discrimination in Nationality/Citizenship issues as the UK, they also corrected their Nationality and Citizenship Legislation in 2010 - they appear to have accomplished a far greater state of 'Parity' between the Children of Dutch Father's and Dutch Mother's, virtually their legislation appears to be virtually gender neutral!

Were you, or any member of your family, or anyone you know, born prior to 1983 to a British Mother? 
Would you like to become a part of this movement to rectify blatant sex discrimination against all the British Women who have been unable to pass on Nationality as a birth right prior to 1983?

Interested people should contact Campaigns as we would like to identify a many as possible who may now have a claim.

CAMPAIGNS is honoured to have as a member Guy Siner – stage, tv, and film actor.  
A few of his most notable works include Lt. Hubert Gruber in ‘allo ‘allo and roles in Star Wars I & II.
Guy was born to a British Mother and an American Father in the USA. His parents moved back to the UK when he was an infant. Guy lived in the UK for 35 years, went to public school, and developed a professional acting career when he discovered he did not possess British Nationality. Because of the length of his stay, he was granted Indefinite Leave to Remain on an American Passport. Unfortunately, due to travelling the world promoting ‘allo ‘allo, he was outside the UK for longer than is permitted and has lost his ILR. He was never told of the time abroad restrictions and is therefore now virtually exiled from the only country he has ever known.

Guy is one of many who have similar stories of poor service and appalling treatment by the Home Office just because of a few words in Legislation over the years that were nothing short of blatant sex discrimination.
I see actors and other notable figures on the news and there are many who are yet to realise they are now UKM's - one example is Jay Leno, his mother was Scottish from Greenock and father Italian-American and was born in the USA.
Another notable figure in the global society, is Donald Trump, his mother was also Scottish from Stornoway, so therefore he and his siblings are UKM British Citizens - if they exercise their birthright application.
Btw, if Donald Trump were to run for President, he would not be the first person to have a British mother and be president, a good example is Woodrow Wilson, his mother was born in Carlisle, which he visited frequently before and during his term as potus.



News Update for September 2019

The Home Office has updated the UKM form to remove the Illegal Background Checks section: Home Office UKBA form UKM: 13 September 2019

News Update for March 2019

The Joint Committee on Human Rights is endeavouring to implement the TWO UK Supreme Court rulings: 1. the background checks are illegal and must be removed. 2. the children of British Born Women were not recognised before 1983 so when they had children, they could not be registered with their nearest British Consulate and therefore have been illegally denied citizenship.

Number 1 is said to be being removed soon but Number 2 is being procrastinated by the current Government... When the second UK Supreme Court ruling will be enacted into legislation is tbd, for the moment.

Joint Committee on Human Rights 2019

News Update for August 2011

Added a e-petition to the online site. Not that it will make much difference, when 20 million signed the one to end speed camera's in the UK, we still have them. But here is the one for UKM's, to show that we are still here and still working for Full Parity!
Please show your support by signing this petition  

MAJOR News Update for March 2011

02 March 2011 - the UKBA have written to me and personally assured me that section 4C - UKM applicants will continue to be exempt in the new fee schedule of April 2011. But I am holding my breath on it as this government has a history of deceptions since they were elected. So my advice is to still apply this month if possible, just in case they try to turn the clock back on sex discrimiation generations. There is an old saying, I will only believe it when I see it.

Parliament and this con-dem-nation coalition government are at it again, Damian Green is proposing to INCREASE the Registration Fee's from APRIL 2011.
So if you are planning to apply any time in your life, do it this month before they put the fee's up in April 2011.
I am trying to do all that can be to prevent this sex discrimiatory fee being re-introduced, but as this government is ready to throw babies out with bath water on every issue there is and they have broken every election promise, Apply, Apply NOW! And write to your mp and Theresa May and Damian Green and tell them of your utter disgust over the lack of 'Parity' on our UKM Issue!

MAJOR News Update for February 2011

The number of UKM's has now passed the 20,405 mark! With the recent abolution of the Application Fee - it would be great to see this number increase in the next few years to somewhere between 200,000 to 2+ million UKM's.
The day that all of the Maternal children of British Empire exercise their Birth Right and I hope that it may be such a number that it humbles Parliament for their continued disenfranchising of our Mum's for so very very many decades, actually I wonder if there are any centenarian UKM's.
I am proud to say we have octogenarian UKM's, that was a very long wait for him, hats off sir to your stoic never accepting their attitude of just because they said you were not British because a woman was the legal property of her husband or father in Nationaltiy issues, you held in there - you are Officially British!
The top six countries in order of most UKM applications:
Gold to Australia,
Silver to Rep. of South Africa,
Bronze to USA,
then closely followed by Canada, New Zealand, and Rhodesia.


Previous Updates:

A friend and colleague Maureen, another UKM, has an excellent blog site where people can ask specific questions about life in the UK and a forum on many topics on the subject of transition to life in the UK.

If anyone has any other website's that would be highly advantageous to UKM's, please send them to me or Maureen and we will try to assist in getting questions answered, from what electric current comes out of the socket to which side of the road to drive on to I guess the most important one, no matter who did what when two or more people have any sort of incident, everyone instantly says 'sorry'. Sorry is a tricky word as it and the way it is said: has 1000's of different meanings!

The SI was read in the House of Lord's on 17th November 2010 and the Motion was agreed.
The UKM form will remain the same and the guidance notes will be updated on Monday the 22nd November 2010, please check with your local embassy or consulate or FCO for where to submit your application (if outside the UK).
Any applications in process or received before the 22nd of November 2010 will still be charged the full rate!
Also please note the 'on-line' application process is currently not working and will be off-line for 'a while'...

previous news
I have been in correspondence with the Home Office and UKBA recently and we have come to an agreement. I state Clearly that this Has to be passed by committee in both the House of Common's and the House of Lord's. The House of Common's Committee date is 01 November 2010. House of Lord's date is:

Dear Michael, The Lords debates are going to take place on the 17 November at 3:00pm. The exemption to the fee for 4C applications will then come into effecton the 22 November. Best wishes, Jane

The UKBA has a new website for Online UKM Applicantion's - it currently lists the fee of £550, when they fee's are removed this month, the page will say £0:

FIRSTLY, Family Units: siblings who complete their Individual Applications can submit their Applications in ONE envelope to the consulate, embassy, or UKBA in the UK.
This means that if a British born Mother had 5 children all born before 1983, each child completes their 4C-UKM form and can put all applications in ONE envelope to be processed. This will have the advantage that ONLY One copy of our Mum's Documentation is required. It saves each applicant time and expense in each having to have a copy of their Mum's Birth Certificate, etc. (it also saves the UKBA time in processing as they can simply verify a British Mother once and process all the children)

SECONDLY - hold your breath and cross your fingers. The exorbitant application fee's currently running near £800 in total are planned and agreed to be Abolished and it could happen as soon as Next Month - November 2010!!! All that is left to get this accomplished is the Houses of Parliament agreeing the Statutory Instrument in Committee in the next few weeks! Parliament has a new website for SI's:

So if you are about to apply, and can wait a few weeks, please hold off on your application being submitted. Any application received before the Statitutory Instrument has come into force - will be charged the current rate!

So watch this space over the next few weeks as soon as the change has been made, I will post it here - ASAP!

If anyone has any issue with their Embassy, Consulate, FCO, etc trying to charge or not allow multiple applications in one envelope. Please let me know asap (contact email address at bottom of page) so that I can let the powers that be, sort it out.

The 1961 watershed date was removed on 13th of January 2010 so that EVERY Child of a British Born mother born before 1983 became eligible, I did some "scooby doo" found that up to earlier this month, the North American and other FCO websites were still giving Our Of Date Information (stating 1961 to 1983 only). It is corrected now with the assistance of those with the authority to make such reprimands and changes.

Dear Michael, (one of the best emails to ever wake up to in your inbox)

Please find below the link that will take you to the draft Immigration and Nationality (Fees)(No.2) Regulations 2010 on the OPSI website.

You will find the reference to the exemption from the fee for applications made under 4c at regulation 22 (3) which is on page 9.
The next link is to the explanatory memorandum.

You will find reference to the fee exemption at sections 7.16 and 7.17.

Further to my earlier e-mail, I can now advise you that the debate on the Immigration and Nationality (Fees)(No.2) Regulations 2010 will be held at 4:30pm on Monday 1st November in the House of Commons. It will be a debate at committee, and is usually held in one of the committee rooms, rather than on the floor of the House. We do not have the date of the House of Lords debate yet.

Nationality Operational Policy


News Update October 2010

Home Office Stats on Number of Registrants under section 4C - form UKM by way of the Freedom of Information Act, state that 18.850 people have now registered between April 2003 and end of Q2, 2010.
This is an Increase from Q3, 2009 where only 16,555 had registered as Citizens.
The regulations (Statutory Instruments) that specify the removal of fees for 4C applications will be laid in Parliament on 11 October. I am still awaiting confirmation of the dates for parliamentary debates but will post here when I have the dates of debates and the 'actual date' of the application fee removal.

News Update August 2010

Currently battling with the Home Secretary, Theresa May, because she is perpetuating the Sex Discrimination on us the Children of British Mothers.
Children of British Fathers - pre 1983, do not have to complete a registration form, do not have to be of good character, do not have to swear an oath to our Queen, do not have to attend civil ceremonies and most significantly do not have to pay almost £800 in fee's to 'Register' as a second class British Citizen.
Post 1983, there is a registration process for a parent of either sex - and there are No fee's charged for that process either.

Children of British Mother's have to complete the form, have a background check (although that did not seem to apply to the very first person to register in 2003 - Kenny Ritchie on death row in the USA), and the £800 in fee's of course, we also can not pass on our nationality to children born abroad and if we are in the UK we can not adopt children from abroad and they have our Nationality/Citizenship. (there are many other issues to do with Citizenship 'by descent' vs. 'otherwise than by descent')

This decision is entirely a political decision, not one to be made by the Home Office, not by the Permanent Home Secretary at the Home Office, but Exclusively by Theresa May the Home Secretary and the Government Cabinet. The 2009 Act was stated that the children of British Men and British Woman were to be treated the same.
But this government is continuing to perpetuate Sex Discrimination in the 21st Century.
I find it extremely disconcerting that this discrimination is not something that has to be decided by all of Parliament or even the Home Office - it is exclusively the domain of ONE person - currently the token female in the Cabinet, Theresa May and she has been in her Cabinet Position for Months and has not ended the Last Great Wrong of Parliament.

To all those who have asked, Yes I have written to her at least once or twice per month since her and her party obtained the position of government, but in all this time, when it is just a simple signature on a form by Theresa May, she has not done anything and has not indicated she is going to do anything, all simply because the only thing in her sights is the National ID Cards. Multitasking?? Guess Not.
If this is not resolved by the Home Secretary, it appears we will have to go to the new Supreme Court and if as I found in the past the Home Office simply sets aside any rulings that go against the Home Office, then it is up to the ECHJ to finally end Sex Discrimination and I personally believe we should have Full Equality with the Children of British Father's and also all the fee's we paid - refunded!

There are more of us, the children of British Mother's, than there are people who elected her or any other MP in the last general election.

British Nationality Law

News Update 7 March 2010

So far 16,555 New British Citizens all through form UKM. Please find a link to a table that shows the number of 4C applications granted between 30 April 2003 and September 2009 and their countries of origin courtesy of the Home Office Freedom of Information.

4C Grants by Birth Country 03 September 2009.

News Update 8 February 2010

The New National Identity Card Application guide / booklet has a mis-print on page 18. (The reprint became a non-entity as the card is being scrapped for the time being.)

It states: Please note: If you were born before 1 January 1983, you can only acquire British nationality through your father. You can't claim nationality through your mother.
Obviously this is an error and Lord Avebury is raising this as a written question (HL1990) in the House of Lord's on 10th February 2010.

Lord Avebury to ask Her Majesty’s Government why, having regard to section 4C of the British Nationality Act 1981, the note on page 18 of the guidance notes entitled "Applying for an identity card" (Home Office reference IDCG01) states that "You can’t claim nationality through your mother"; and whether they will alter the guidance notes booklet to say that people born before 1983 to a British mother can register as a British citizen. HL1990

New form UKM - Now available

The children of British Mother's who were born before the 7th of February 1961 are now able to download the NEW registration form "UKM".

New form UKM - 13th January 2010

The children of British Mother's who were born before the 7th of February 1961 will soon be able to download the NEW registration form "UKM". It is the same as the previous form but with the 1961 date absent, so this will make all children of "British Mother's" born before 01 January 1983 able to become registered citizens! The new form UKM should be available from your local consulate or embassy in your birth/resident country but if it is not available on the 13th of Jan, you can will be able to get a copy from the Home Office main website.

*please note the current/old form UKM that is on the Home Office website up to the end of the 12th of January - will not be the correct one for anyone born before 1961, you have to use the correct form for your application to be processed. The processing for the 61 to 83's has typically taken anywhere from 4 to 12 weeks on average depending on where you are applying from and time of year, etc. *

UPDATE September 2009

The form UKM without the 1961 cut off date is expected to be available from the Home Office website in January 2010.

UPDATE 21 July 2009

Outstanding issues on the bill were resolved on 20 July.

Royal Assent took place today the 21st July 2009.

This is the final stage of the Bill's passage through Parliament when the bill became and Act (law).

The key areas of bill: the registration as British citizens of children born abroad to British mothers before 7 February 1961.


UPDATE JANUARY 2009 The bill is progressing

Please note section 41:

I am advised that, subject to any major issues, the Bill should be introduced to the Lords tomorrow (Wednesday). This will be at about 3pm when Lord West will read out the long title of the Bill to the House of Lords. The Bill will be published first thing next (8am Thursday) morning.

Ensuring fairness in nationality cases by removing the historical cut-off point for enabling children of British mothers born before 1961 to become British themselves...



The Draft Bill has finally been published for debate by MP's.

Our long awaited and promised section appears in this document on page 7 as a given fact, not up for debate:

Fair rights to citizenship

In addition to the earned citizenship changes we intend to make a specific change to section 4C of the British Nationality Act 1981 in the interests of fairness.
Currently people born to British mothers between 1961 and 1983, who would have become British automatically if women had been able to pass on citizenship
in the same way as men at that time, can be registered as British citizens. Those born before 1961 remain at a disadvantage compared to the children of British men.
We will remove the 1961 cut off date.


UPDATES as of 31 March 2008 Deborah Philips (column 605):

UPDATES as of February 2008:

The path to citizenship: next steps in reforming the immigration system: Please download the consultation proforma and return to the Home Office via email before 14th May 2008.

UPDATES as of December 2007:

Follow the status of the UK Citizenship Bill in this Parliamentary session at the following website:

Lord Goldsmith QC Citizenship Review:

Queens speech 06 Nov 2007, My Government will publish a draft Bill on citizenship.

18 July 2007 Hansards:


Will "2007 be the year HM Gov Finally ends sex discrimination in relation to nationality??

The amendment is to be heard yet Again in the House of Lord on 12th July 2007

We seem to have support from all parties this year and if you would like to see an interesting banter
look up house of lords 3rd of July 2007, the first 5 minutes will be very interesting.

Feb 2007 - Still Trying!!
2007 sees the start of the annual letter and email writing campaign and this year Julie has created an online petition, please take a moment and add your support!

The Online Petition created by Julie

Feb 2006
Lord Eric Avebury put forth an amendment of us to basically remove the 1961 watershed date by a simple change to 1931. The government refused the amendment! Baroness Catherine Ashton just said no and was not very nice with the way she said it. I attempted to contact her. She had the civil servant at IND do her dirty work of replying. She would not return my calls, email, mail, or meet with me on this matter!

The Government stance is that anyone before 1983... will be subject to sex discrimination!

The 61 to 81 window was only reopened because they did a hack job of letting it be known that registration was possible for anyone under 18 in 1979. The issue of women pre the 1981 bill being equal to a man in nationality issues is still going to continued!

The only recourse (other than the Government changing its mind) is to get a child of a British mother born before the 1961 watershed date to come to the UK, and then refusing to leave and taking the legal route and using the ECHR s8 as the defence. Once this happens the door will then be open to all of the children of Britain who are still being considered illegal aliens!


April 2005 - Yes we are still working on it from every possible angle!

In the UK, will be having a General Election on May 5th..
If possible, please print off the following document and take to your, your friends, your family, and any other constituency candidate you can find or have any contact with!  Get the candidates to sign it and return it to me (address on form). 
This form is a commitment in principle, if they are elected, of support for ending the discrimination.  Thanks!   
Election 2005 Form



August 2004 - The Minister for Women made a commitment in the House to ensure equality for all women in all aspects of government policy!
details to follow as they hap pen....

December 2003 -
HM Gov currently has another bill making its way through the houses on asylum and immigration issues.  CAMPAIGNS will be attempting to amend this bill to remove the 1961 watershed date when it reaches the House of Lords.  More info to be posted if, as, and when it happens!
(unable to get an amendment in this bill, also Beverley Hughes is no longer the Minister in charge of the HO)


01 May 2003 - Clarification of request for mother's expired passport.
If you do not have access to an expired copy of your mother's passport,
then your mother's birth certificate will suffice if the long version lists her fathers occupation on it.

If it does not list the occupation - some local authorities did not list all information....
you should include one of your mother's parent's birth certificates.

This is to demonstrate that your mother - although born in the UK is British.
As opposed to her being born in the UK to parents travelling or working for short periods of time in the UK.

Being born in the UK does not infer UK Nationality - the 1981 Act removed the right that anyone born in the UK automatically has UK Nationality (retrospectively) - therefore a child (your mother) must be born/adopted to a Parent, in the UK who had the right of abode or was a British Citizen, to be a British mother.

THERE ARE AS MANY DIFFERENT CIRCUMSTANCES AS THERE ARE PEOPLE APPLYING, The HO just wants to make certain that we demonstrate that we are who we say we are and our mum is who we say she is - if you provide as much as possible and then if they are not satisfied, they will let you know what else you can/should submit.

30 April 2003 The forms are available with notes from the following site:

THE FORM in pdf format (requires adobe acrobat to view)
The notes stipulate that one of the documents required is an expired copy of your mother's passport, If the passport is unavailable for any reason, the mother has deceased, the passport was destroyed/thrown away, you are estranged from your family, etc.... this is acceptable if you simply explain this in the application. (per Josie Nicholson, the Registrar in Washington DC) All US applications must go through the WDC office.

Additional NOTES Leaflet

If you are UK based, you submit it to the IND address in the Guide Notes.
If you are NON UK based, you submit it to the respective Consulate in your country, who will then forward it to the IND and it will be processed.


01 April 2003 - Beverly Hughes, Secretary of State has signed the Statutory Instrument - enabling our part of the Act to come into force on 30th April 2003.

as per a correspondence from Anthony Pilgrim of IND in Liverpool today - 14 March 2003.

I have just heard that the Minister (Beverley Hughes) has signed an order
naming 30 April as the commencement date for the new registration provision.

Anthony Pilgrim
Immigration & Nationality Policy Directorate
Home Office
the copy of the NIA Act 2002.


01 March 2003:
Mr Pilgrim from the IND in Liverpool is planning to give official notice to Parliament on the 10th of March that our section is to be enacted. Once notice has been given, 21 days has to pass before it will come into force. This will make the commencement date for Section 1 - 01 April 2003.
I was also informed there will be a NEW form for us to complete and it will become available on that date.
Fees and processing time - are still unknown.


FYI: PETS Travel Scheme extended to the USA and Canada!

As of 11 Dec 2002, the USA and Canada are able to join the PETS travel scheme, this is where you can bring your dog or cat into the UK without the 6 month quarantine.

The defra site lists all the steps you have to do to meet the requirements:
1. wait until 11th December 2002
2. get a microchip in the cat or dog
3 . vaccination for rabies - even if your animal has already had it shots
4 . wait about 2 weeks and go back to the vet for a blood test
5. the LV1 certificate will then be issued and then you will have to wait 180 days before you can travel!

Our UK Nationality registration process begins in March 2003, so if you get your pet done in December 2002, your animal would be able to travel with in June 2003 without Quarantine!

A Special thank you to:
Lord Eric Avebury
House of Lords
London, SW1A 0AA

Alison Harvey of ILPA

The efforts and long hours of these two very special people (and many more) within Parliament have made our goal of recognition by HM Gov of our Nationality Status possible.

12 November 2002
Received correspondence from IND to state that it is planned to be no later than the 1st March 2003 as the anticipated date for implementation.

CAMPAIGNS still has much work to perform to ensure the pre 7th Feb 1961 Children receive their proper recognition in policy if not in law!

07 November 2002

The NIA Bill has cleared both Houses of Parliament and will receive Royal Assent Thursday evening!!!!!!!
It will become law at the time of Royal Assent, but our section of the Bill will not come into force until the Home Secretary chooses a date. It should not be a long wait, early 2003 - as a best guess, until I can get clarification from David Blunkett's office.


05 November 2002

Amendment (Lords #2) has been agreed by both Houses.

The final hurdle is to get both houses to agree the rest of the Bill issues by close of Parliamentary Business on Thursday - when both Houses have agreed the entire Bill the Queen gives it Royal Assent and it is then an Act of Parliament and Law!.

Lords amendment 2A - the removal of the words "after 7 Feb 61 and" has not been achieved at this point. Therefore our next step is we shall wait until this Bill becomes and Act and this section of the bill comes into force (a date to be decided by the Home Secretary and Home Office) and at then at that time - CAMPAIGNS will approach the HO and make enquiries about how they intend to process the pre 7th Feb 1961 victims. This was raised in the Commons on the 5th November 2002, and it was stated that it would be revisited and assurances mentioned. See above Transcript or the Hansards minutes for the Commons 5th November NAI Bill 2002.


01 November 2002

The house of lord successfully accepted the government sponsored and drafted version of amendment 2, but amendment 2A was rejected by the government.


Amendment 2

Amendment 2A - removes from Amendment 2 the words "after 7th February 1961 and"

The Bill now goes to the Commons for its approval of the changes the House of Lords made - this is scheduled for Tuesday 5th November 2002. The time in the Commons will be very very very short and as it will makes changes again, the bill will have to go back to the Lords on Wednesday. This Parliamentary session ends on Thursday! Any bill not finishing its business by then will be dead!

Tuesday is the very very last attempt to get any further amendments to this Bill!
If it is not in the Bill on Tuesday - It will never be apart of the NAI Bill 2002.
We are attempting to get amendment 2A added, but there is only a very slim and remote possibility of this!

If Amendment 2A is not tabled and accepted on Tuesday - anyone born pre 7th February 1961 will hopefully have the option of a case by case review of their circumstances by the Home Office or worst case scenario is a victim born pre 7/2/61 - will have to get their case before a judge - on a sex discrimination basis.

Link to copy of HOL Hansard's minutes

NIA Bill 2002


Kind regards,

Michael Turberville
+44 7427 694 794
(please contact using email address)